Clean Water Act (CWA) - Ivory Homes Ltd.

Industry: Construction/land development

Violations: Ineffective storm water control measures

Civil Penalty: $250,000

Required Actions

  • Establish a company compliance manager
  • Designate compliance managers on site
  • Individual prevention plans
  • Documentation
  • Quarterly inspections of sites
  • Bi-annual compliance reports

Clean Air Act - Costco

Industry: Retail

Violations: Failure to properly perform leak detection monitoring and record keeping at 247 stores

Civil Penalty: $335,000

Estimated cost: $2 million

Required Actions

  • Improve leak detection to industry best practices
  • Improve repair techniques to industry best practices

Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA, Superfund) - AVX

Industry: Unclear, but appears manufacturing

Violations: None

Penalty: $366 million for the remediation of the affected site

Required Actions

  • No additional actions were required

Municipal Sewage - City of Lima, Ohio

Act: CWA

Violations: violated terms of NPDES permit into local watershed

Penalties: $49,000 civil; $218,400 - River Revitalization project

Estimated Cost: $147 million

Required Actions

  • Significant upgrades to infrastructure to increase capacity
  • Separation of systems to reduce flow levels
  • Construction of additional storage points
  • Upgrade pumping stations
  • Construct additional relief sewers

Petroleum - Big West Oil

Act: CAA

Violations: Violated emissions requirements for four separate sources

Penalties: $175,000 civil; $235,000 Hydrofluoric Acid detection system

No estimated cost

Required Actions

  • Install and operate a Continuous Opacity Monitoring System
  • Comply with emissions limits
  • Install low NOx burners
  • Eliminate burning fuel oil
  • Conduct training on Leak detection and repair (LDAR) for personnel
  • Require LDAR compliance audits
  • Adopt stricter leak definitions and procedures

Energy - Consumers Energy

Act: CAA

Violations: Opacity violations, projects that triggered the prevention of significant deterioration applicability, failure to submit all applicable requirements to consumers, and new source performance standards

Civil penalty: $2.75 million

Supplemental Projects:

  • $500,000 to the National Parks Service
  • Transition of fleet vehicles to alternative fuel vehicles (up to $3 million)
  • Renewable Energy: wind, solar, or anaerobic digestion (up to $4 million)
  • Replacement/retrofit of wood burning appliances (between $1 - $2 million)
  • Land acquisition, donation, and restoration (up to $2 million

Minimum cost of $7.7 million

Required Actions

  • Retirements of designated operating units
  • Installation of technologies to reduce NOx and SO2 emissions levels
  • Compliance with limitation for NOx and SO2 emissions
  • Install and operate or purchase 400 MW of wind generated power

Estimated cost: $1 billion

Construction: Multiple violators

Act: Lead Renovation, Repair, and Painting Standards (RRP)

Additional violations under TSCA

Penalties were limited to civil in varying amounts based upon the number of violations.

Common Violations: Failure to

  • Provide adequate information regarding lead hazards
  • Maintain/produce records of distribution of information
  • Obtain Firm Certification
  • Obtain/ensure the certification of renovators
  • Establish, maintain, or produce records pertinent to RRP
  • Comply with work practice standards

Chemical Manufacturing - DuPont

Act: Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA)

Circumstances: a licensed DuPont product was confirmed as causing damage and death to certain coniferous trees


  • distribution and sale if Imprelis without proper labeling regarding directions for use and warning/cautionary statements for the protection of non-target plants
  • Failure to timely submit trial studies regarding the adverse effects of Imprelis

Civil penalty: $1.853 million

Automotive - Hyundai & Kia

Act: CAA

Violations: Reporting of inaccurate measurements to EPA testing

Required actions

  • Forfeiture of Greenhouse gas emissions credits (estimated value $200 million)
  • reorganize their certification group, revise test protocols, improve management of test data, and enhance employee training
  • Form a new audit team, independent of the original, to regularly audit vehicles to ensure accurate reporting

Estimated costs: $50 million

Construction: Multiple violators

Act: Lead Renovation, Repair, and Painting Standards (RRP)

Additional violations under TSCA

Penalties were limited to civil in varying amounts based upon the number of violations.

Common Violations: Failure to

  • Provide adequate information regarding lead hazards
  • Maintain/produce records of distribution of information
  • Obtain Firm Certification
  • Obtain/ensure the certification of renovators
  • Establish, maintain, or produce records pertinent to RRP
  • Comply with work practice standards

Resource Conservation & Recovery Act (RCRA) - Titanium Metals Corporation (TIMET)

Industry: Manufacturing

Violations: RCRA - unauthorized manufacture and illegal disposal of PCBs

Violations: TSCA - Improper treatment, storage, and disposal of hazardous wastes and without a permit

Civil Penalty: $14 million

Required Actions

  • Investigate manufacturing for PCB contamination
  • Submit investigation report and clean up plan for approval
  • Remediate contamination
  • Submit clean up report with full documentation
  • Maintain documentation of processes that generate PCBs and concentrations
  • Biannually monitor and report PCB concentrations in all releases
  • Allow Nevada to publicly publish all EPA approved work plans and reports